Are You Afraid of Hiring Your First Employee in your office-based business?

Your business is growing and you have far more work than you can handle on your own. You’ve considered countless times whether you need to hire someone.

So what’s stopping you?

Is it all of the additional responsibility-the paperwork, the insurance, the legal obligations? Or is it the time it will take to teach someone what they need to do? Will they be able to do the job as well as you anyway? And more importantly, can you afford to pay them?

These are all questions you might have asked yourself, and the answers you’ve come up with might have made you afraid of hiring your first employee. But my question would be, what is your hesitation costing you?

The real cost of being afraid of hiring your first employee

How will you grow your business if you are the only one doing everything? You’ll always be limited to what you can physically do, and what happens if you become ill and can’t keep going?

Sure, at the start, you won’t have minded working all of the hours God sends because you were passionate and you had a dream. But that passion soon wanes when you realise that you’re no closer to having the freedom you want or the quality time to spend with your family. Imagine how it would feel to have a more balanced life. To be able to take time off and feel reassured that you were leaving the business in capable hands. This could be possible if you hired an employee to help you. So what’s stopping you?

Why are you afraid of hiring your first employee?

Are you afraid that you’ll hire the wrong person?

It is possible that you could hire someone that ends up being completely wrong for your business, but you can minimise that risk. Learning about what’s required, when employing someone for the first time, and then providing them with a great recruitment and induction experience can help you find your dream candidate. If you do get it wrong and it doesn’t work out, you can learn from it and improve your recruitment and induction process for the next time.

Are you afraid that you can’t afford an employee?

This is a concern for many smaller employers. If you’re afraid of hiring your first employee for this reason, why not consider either outsourcing some work or taking someone on part-time initially or look at some of the government schemes? This will take some of the load off you, and you can get to work on growing the business. More money coming in might mean that you can eventually afford an employee after all.

Are you afraid that they won’t do the job as well as you?

Everyone makes mistakes, and you’ve probably made plenty in your career, I know I have. Employees might make mistakes but taking the time to help them learn and improve is a sound investment. When they do get it right, you’ll get your precious time back so you can work on the things that really matter.

You never know, they may even be able to do something better than you do it or come up with a way to do something better, that you’ve never thought of.

Want to understand more about this, then sign up for the three videos and downloads here and understand how having an employee will make life better.

Are you overwhelmed and just don’t know where to start?

Hiring your first employee can be daunting. You have to get the basics right, but what then? How do you help them learn and develop? How do you keep them motivated? Or have those difficult conversations to nip those niggling issues in the bud?

My “Manager’s Academy” membership will help you navigate being a new employer and managing and you’ll get help, support, and advice that goes way beyond the basics.

Want to find out more about how “The Manager’s Academy” can help you feel less afraid of hiring your first employee? Click here to find out more about the membership and sign up.

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