“Turn that music down!!”

So there you are at home, relaxing and about to go to sleep for the night, knowing you need to be up early the next day. Your next door neighbours start playing music very loudly. You think the neighbour is doing this intentionally to annoy you! If that’s your thought pattern, how you feel and … Read more

Could have done better!

I will always remember drafting a report for a Director. It was the first time I had written one and in those days there was no internet to research how to write a report! Would you believe it! Well, I really thought I had compiled a succinct and evidence-based report and felt really pleased with … Read more

Your Mood & How it Affects Others!

I can to this day recall a Manager who would come into work with a scowl and wouldn’t want to talk to anyone. You could have cut the air with a knife! All the employees on the floor would put their head down and the atmosphere would be strained. It really wasn’t a nice place … Read more

Effective Problem-Solving in the Workplace

So are you a ducker or diver? Do you tackle problems head-on with your team or do you avoid confronting issues at all costs? The number of times I have heard team members complaining that managers never listen to their issues and do something. Or managers don’t deal with team members who aren’t pulling their … Read more