How to Build Trust and Credibility with Your Team for High-Performing

Have you ever worked for a leader you didn’t trust? Maybe they used their position to further their own goals to the detriment of the team or failed to communicate essential information so you felt kept in the dark and out of the loop.   This can feel very isolating and frustrating, and it can result … Read more

Are You Afraid of Hiring Your First Employee in your office-based business?

Your business is growing and you have far more work than you can handle on your own. You’ve considered countless times whether you need to hire someone. So what’s stopping you? Is it all of the additional responsibility-the paperwork, the insurance, the legal obligations? Or is it the time it will take to teach someone … Read more

Why Using DISC Can Make a Difference to Your Small Office-Based Team

Do you dream of having an upskilled, motivated, engaged, and a resilient team that pulls together to achieve business goals? Do you want to be able to spend less time firefighting and more time doing the tasks that are really going to help make the business more profitable? Does this dream feel pretty far off … Read more

Why Managers Need to Build Connections Through Successful Networking

When you hear the word ‘networking,’ what springs to mind? Standing around awkwardly, feigning interest as the 20th person you have spoken to assaults your senses with ‘management speak,’? Or having to listen to people telling you how successful they are and being left with a serious case of impostor syndrome? Networking events at their … Read more