Conversations Catalyst Coaching

From Dreading to Leading: Master the Art of Meaningful Conversations Conquer Your Fear of Difficult Conversations Once and for All Get started today Constantly Battling Resistance and Feeling Emotionally Drained? You’re tired of feeling like you’re banging your head against a wall when trying to apply your new communication skills in real-life work situations. You’re … Read more

 Positive Thinking -The Way to Resilience 

If you thought positive thinking was all about reading motivational quotes and ignoring the negative, think again. Positive thinking is the way to resilience. If you want to learn to think more positively and feel hopeful about the future, you need to hear this!  Hello and welcome to my podcast. I’m Nicola from The People … Read more

How leadership and management styles impact significantly on SME’s

Now more than ever, we need to understand the impact of leadership and management on the workforce.  UK productivity has dropped from the second fastest in the G7 to the second slowest. (Source: UK Commission for Employment and Skills) £19 billion is the cost of poor management and leadership to the UK economy through lower … Read more

How to Decode Office Politics for Professional Growth to Lead Authentically

Hello, I’m Nicola Richardson from The People Mentor and in today’s episode of my podcast, I’m talking about office politics.  Today, I’m going to look at strategies for navigating office politics while maintaining personal and professional integrity.  So, what is meant by office politics?  It’s basically those unspoken rules, power structures, and relationships that are … Read more

How to Unleash the Leadership Power of Grit and Grace

In an ever more stressful world, compassionate leadership is badly needed. However, how do leaders balance compassion with strength and professionalism? In this podcast, I share some helpful strategies and details of my online compassionate leadership coaching and mentoring programme for women leaders.  Hi, I’m Nicola from The People Mentor and in today’s podcast, I’m … Read more