10 Communication Tips to Help You Engage in Your Office-Based Business

It is estimated that poor communication and collaboration tools cost businesses over £7,500 per employee per year. (Per Computer Weekly) Communication can be defined as a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behaviour (source ) It is so easy to make a hash of communication … Read more

How to Make Hybrid Working Work for Your SME

Of the many changes thrust upon us by the pandemic, changes to the world of work have been some of the most dramatic. As businesses and their employees were forced to adapt to home working, and many companies realised that it actually worked for them, it raised an important question: Would full-time working in the … Read more

The Leadership Styles – Which Works Best With Your Office-Based Team

Leadership isn’t just about being a good strategic thinker, neither is it about adhering rigidly to an autocratic or democratic leadership style. Modern leadership demands emotional intelligence, showing your ‘human’ side, and being adaptable. When it comes to leadership styles all of these are important. You never know what challenges or changes you are going … Read more

How to Build a Culture of Kindness in Your Office-Based Business

There are people who believe there’s no room for kindness and compassion in the workplace, but to me, that makes no sense. Where there is a culture of kindness and compassion, people are happier, teams work better together in harmony, and everyone feels supported, respected, and valued. No, this is not some kind of utopia, … Read more

Inspiring Confidence – Why Being Assertive is the Key to Effective Leadership

There’s a long-standing misconception about assertiveness, and it’s that being assertive means you have to be bossy or aggressive. On the contrary, true assertiveness is about being able to communicate in a positive and constructive way while respecting others and being respected yourself. Assertiveness is a valuable attribute. It will help you get ahead in … Read more