The Leadership Styles – Which Works Best With Your Office-Based Team

Leadership isn’t just about being a good strategic thinker, neither is it about adhering rigidly to an autocratic or democratic leadership style. Modern leadership demands emotional intelligence, showing your ‘human’ side, and being adaptable. When it comes to leadership styles all of these are important. You never know what challenges or changes you are going … Read more

Inspiring Confidence – Why Being Assertive is the Key to Effective Leadership

There’s a long-standing misconception about assertiveness, and it’s that being assertive means you have to be bossy or aggressive. On the contrary, true assertiveness is about being able to communicate in a positive and constructive way while respecting others and being respected yourself. Assertiveness is a valuable attribute. It will help you get ahead in … Read more

Developing Your Change Agility in Your SME Business

Are you sitting comfortably? Welcome to my series of podcasts that will help you navigate those inevitable difficult events at work that are part of being a manager and Leader Today we’re going to look at how adaptable you are to change, and how to become more adaptable. Going through change is not always easy, … Read more

How to Be an Even Better Leader in your SME Office-Based Business

That moment when you realise you misjudged the situation, and the team took you the wrong way or the whole thing went wrong. You feel like hiding away.  You just want to go into a deep funk! This is the very time when you need to seek feedback and reflect on what went well and … Read more

How To Create A Sense of Belonging in the Workplace

A sense of belonging is a fundamental human need, and in order to create a harmonious and productive workplace where employees want to be, leaders need to work on creating a sense of belonging at work.   Here’s how to create a sense of belonging in the workplace.   Work on breaking down barriers   You can’t expect to … Read more