Conversation Handling Coaching Courses Manchester

Conversation Handling Coaching Courses Manchester Are you looking to improve relationships with your colleagues, team members or employees? Empowering you and your team to tackle those tough conversations head-on creates a positive work environment. Book a no obligation call Are you tired of feeling powerless during challenging discussions in your workplace in Manchester or elsewhere? … Read more

Conversations Catalyst Coaching

From Dreading to Leading: Master the Art of Meaningful Conversations Conquer Your Fear of Difficult Conversations Once and for All Get started today Constantly Battling Resistance and Feeling Emotionally Drained? You’re tired of feeling like you’re banging your head against a wall when trying to apply your new communication skills in real-life work situations. You’re … Read more

What to Do When an Employee is Having Personal Problems 

Are you sitting comfortably? Welcome to my series of podcasts that will help you to navigate those inevitable difficult events at work that are part of being a small business owner.  Today I want to talk about what to do when an employee is having personal problems.  Dealing with an employee who is having personal … Read more

How to Survive a Busy Week at Work

Are you sitting comfortably? Welcome to my series of podcasts that will help you to navigate some of the difficulties you might come up against when you’re a business owner. Today, I want to talk about how to survive a busy week at work.  As a business owner, you probably feel like you’re busy all … Read more

How to Decode Office Politics for Professional Growth to Lead Authentically

Hello, I’m Nicola Richardson from The People Mentor and in today’s episode of my podcast, I’m talking about office politics.  Today, I’m going to look at strategies for navigating office politics while maintaining personal and professional integrity.  So, what is meant by office politics?  It’s basically those unspoken rules, power structures, and relationships that are … Read more