How Understanding Transactional Analysis Can Help Office-Based Leaders Be Successful

Have you ever had an interaction with one of your employees where it’s felt like they were a naughty child and you were the frustrated parent? It’s a frustrating but all too common pattern that workplace interactions fall into. But why do the dynamics end up like this and how can you improve communication and … Read more

How to Be an Even Better Leader in your SME Office-Based Business

That moment when you realise you misjudged the situation, and the team took you the wrong way or the whole thing went wrong. You feel like hiding away.  You just want to go into a deep funk! This is the very time when you need to seek feedback and reflect on what went well and … Read more

Can You Carry Out a Successful Disciplinary When Working Remotely?

The pandemic has brought many practical challenges for managers. It has forced businesses to adapt normal working practices and procedures, and disciplinary procedures are no exception. Can you carry out a disciplinary when working remotely? Now that we are returning to workplaces and in many cases working with a hybrid of remote and workplace, it … Read more

Managing Boundaries and Expectations With Your Team

As a manager, getting your team to work together like a well-oiled machine is one of your most important (and toughest) jobs. You might have a team made up of brilliant individuals with unique strengths but it’s up to you to get everyone pulling in the same direction. How can you achieve this? I think … Read more