Why Invest in Training and Development for Your Estate Agent Team?

Hi, I’m Nicola from The People Mentor and today I want to talk about why you should invest in training and development for your estate agent team. 

Estate agents today have to survive in a very competitive marketplace. Online estate agents are going in cheap, and there’s a lot of noise going on with competing agents trying to turn customers’ heads. 

But cheap service is not the same as good value. Whatever industry you’re working in, there will always be someone who offers their product or service cheaper than you. The key to success is not slashing your prices, it’s showing customers what sets you apart, and offering them value. 

Investing in training and development for your team is a great way of adding value. The right training can improve team member engagement and performance, as well as the profitability of your estate agency. 

Engaged and enthusiastic teams do better, and this has been shown in Gallup’s most recent meta-analysis on team engagement and performance. The study of more than 82,000 teams across 49 industries and 70 countries found that where employees were more engaged, productivity was 17% higher, sales were 20% higher, and businesses were 21% more profitable. 

I know that you may feel wary of investing in anything right now, but who wouldn’t want to see results like this in their business? 

There’s probably a never-ending list of things you could spend your money on, and the right training is something which could give you a huge return on your investment. Here’s why. 

As I’ve just mentioned, investing in your team members’ development can make them happier, more engaged, and more productive. If you show that you’re investing in their development, they’ll be more invested in doing well, and that will be reflected in your bottom line. 

And as well as being more motivated and engaged, employees are more loyal if you invest in them and they are more likely to stick around, saving you time and money in the months and years to come. 

Now let’s go back to what I said at the beginning; the most successful businesses in any industry are the ones who offer customers the most value. The estate agent marketplace is very competitive, so providing quality, bespoke training for your team means that they’ll be able to give your customers a better standard of service which will set you apart from your competitors. 

No matter how well you brand your business or what you think about the image you want to present to the world, your employees are the representatives of the business when they are dealing with customers, and customers will remember the kind of service they received. So make sure the quality of your training reflects the kind of standards you want from your team. 

Communication is another skill that needs practice, whether it’s how your team members communicate with each other or how they speak to customers, and good or bad communication can make or break the effectiveness of your team, and the success your agents have when dealing with clients. Communication skills can be improved through training and troubleshooting what might going wrong if some things are getting lost in translation. 

Of course, training is not the only solution to any issue you might have in your business, but it’s a solution that can bring you an excellent return on your investment. There’s a big ‘if’ though, and that’s if your employees decide to stay working for the business. 

Investing in your people by providing them with training and development opportunities is a great recruitment and retention tool that will help you not only attract the best talent to your estate agency, but also keep them loyal, happy, and doing their best for you.

The winning formula is helping your team members discover and develop their strengths with the right mix of training, empowerment, and supportive leadership. 

Does your estate agency need help with training?

In such a competitive market, when you invest in something, you want it to give you the edge. 

You don’t want to be a cookie-cutter estate agency that blends in when you were always meant to stand out. 

You need bespoke training, support, and solutions to your team and business issues. 

Your needs will differ depending on who your clients are, your location, and what your vision is for the business. 

I can help. 

Maybe your estate agency is ticking over, but you want to take it from good to great.

Where do you start?

Start by chatting to me. 

I can help you identify what’s needed for the business and your team to flourish.

I can develop a bespoke package of training, workshops, and support to help your estate agency scale new heights in the coming weeks and months. 

If you think you’re nervous about investing in anything right now, I get it. 

But what if my help, guidance, and support could help you reduce your expenses, save money, and improve your profitability in the slightly longer term?

Sound good?

Book a call about exactly what’s possible.  

I hope you enjoyed this podcast, and I’ll see you next time. 

This is The People Mentor signing off. 

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