5 Ways to Lose Weight Even When You Sit at a Desk All Day

I know for many leaders and managers, it can be difficult to put your health first when you’re constantly looking after others. Long hours of sitting often lead to reduced physical activity, which can contribute to weight gain, muscle stiffness, and other health issues like poor posture and back pain. The demands of a busy … Read more

How Positive Thinking Builds Resilience

If you are resilient, it doesn’t mean that you’re immune to adversity and life’s challenges, but you will bounce back and learn from them. There are a number of things that help us build resilience, and positive thinking is one of them. Positive thinking is not about denying reality, but when you work on developing … Read more

The Mental Health Impact of Coronavirus on Employees: Why HR Support is Key

As the lockdown restrictions, ease and businesses make plans to re-open workplaces, HR managers have their work cut out. In the aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic, there will be endless people issues to deal with, and if you think you were pushed for time before this happened, I don’t think you’ve seen anything yet. Employees … Read more