Are you one of those people who like change or are you someone who runs a mile away from any sign of a change!
2020 may not have given you much choice in the matter, and you’ve probably realised that there’s a need to improve your change agility.
Change Agility is a term used to describe the ability to quickly and successfully concentrate and implement change in a business. A study carried out by Towers Watson in 2013 found that 55 percent of all change programmes fail.
A business that continually improves their change agility improves the probability that their strategies and plans will be fully implemented and therefore achieve their expected benefits. A business to be successful needs individuals who are adaptable and can anticipate what change is needed.
Through change periods we need to stay focused, positive, use clear communication channels and be methodical to achieve the end result.
So what are my top tips to enhance your change agility?
Here are some I’ve picked up along the way:

Reframe the change
Understand what it is about the change that you feel threatened by, and then build in tactics to change your mindset. Changes I’ve been part of in the past made me feel threatened as I felt I had lost control. The first step was to understand this and think about how I could contribute and feel more in control.
Try to see the change as an opportunity-what can the situation offer you? What might be better after the change has been implemented?
Realise that how you are feeling impacts on how you’ll feel about change
If you don’t feel great emotionally, or if you’re tired or unwell, change can be harder to navigate. Make sure that when you are leading change, that you’re refreshed and ready to set the right tone. Negative feelings will only drain your energy, as will negative language. Whether you choose positive or negative thoughts, feelings, and words will make a huge difference to your mindset and that of others.
Compare “I made a mistake this time, but I’ve learnt something to use for the future” with “I knew this wouldn’t work.” Which is likely to make you feel more positive about change?

Focus on what you can control
When you’re going through a period of change, it can be hard to stay positive, but taking ownership can make a huge difference. Some of us have a default position of stepping back and waiting for whatever is going to happen to happen, but what I’ve learned is that I feel better when I work out what I can control and influence, then get on with it!
Build your resilience
You have many strengths and you need to remember that you are more capable than you think. Each time you go through a change, you learn something new. Remind yourself of what you have been through and what you have achieved. As part of improving your resilience, build a support network which will reduce uncertainty, build camaraderie, and enhance people’s skill sets. This has certainly helped me through many changes. Offer empathy to others who are struggling with the changes you are going through, but remember to stay positive and concentrate on the objectives of the change and how you can grow as a result.
Think about what successful change will look like
I have seen so many change programmes falter because people have got lost sight of what success will look like. Keep your values and beliefs in mind, and use these to make the change better. Keep your mind open to learning new ways of thinking.

Think about what your top priorities are
Having a focus will help you reach your goals. Set your goals weekly, both work and personal. Make sure you give yourself space to think and reflect. The reflection really does help you to see when you are not coping well and gives you the opportunity to reframe your thoughts.
Use these tips build yourself a change strategy. Create tactics to take you through each change. Consider what you need to understand about the change. What would help you to not get stuck in the negative? Understand what helps you cope with ambiguity when going through change and how you can be a successful change agent.
Are you in the process of leading change and want to improve your change agility?
I can help.
My bespoke packages of reviews, training, workshops, and support will help you learn how to lead through change and build and develop the adaptable, engaged, and energised teams that will supercharge your business performance and profitability.
Let me help you do change well and get on the fast track to business success.
Get in touch for a chat about exactly what’s possible.