The Five Generations

So what do we know about the different generations now and do we understand how it impacts the workplace? In total there are five generations now, with most organisations having 4 generations based in their organisation, and with people living longer and working longer as the pension age increases we will start to see five … Read more

Be systematic in your approach!

I recently talked about making decisions through understanding priorities and urgency and then understanding the goals. This week I want to explore taking a systematic approach to decision making. That way you will feel confident in the decision you are making as you’ve explored the evidence and all the facts. With any decision making, there … Read more

Your Mood & How it Affects Others!

I can to this day recall a Manager who would come into work with a scowl and wouldn’t want to talk to anyone. You could have cut the air with a knife! All the employees on the floor would put their head down and the atmosphere would be strained. It really wasn’t a nice place … Read more

Effective Problem-Solving in the Workplace

So are you a ducker or diver? Do you tackle problems head-on with your team or do you avoid confronting issues at all costs? The number of times I have heard team members complaining that managers never listen to their issues and do something. Or managers don’t deal with team members who aren’t pulling their … Read more

Time management

As Managers we’ve all been in the position where time is running out to meet deadlines, we feel harassed, unorganised and inefficient.  There are many things that steal our time.  So the key is finding some quick actions that will make you feel more in control and get the job done well. Tip one – … Read more