How to make the difference to your business

In July 2017 CBI stated Its survey of 357 businesses found over 40% of businesses said Brexit has affected their investment decisions. Of these, 98% said the impact has been negative. From my perspective, I am still seeing this trend with people I speak to, saying they will not invest in their business currently as … Read more

All the fun of the fair -employee engagement success!

Not so long ago, I had the delight of working with a very creative leader. There had been a recent merger of departments and we had been tasked with putting on a market stall event to share what all the parts of the business did. Our Team Lead held a meeting suggesting we took on … Read more

Effective Problem-Solving in the Workplace

So are you a ducker or diver? Do you tackle problems head-on with your team or do you avoid confronting issues at all costs? The number of times I have heard team members complaining that managers never listen to their issues and do something. Or managers don’t deal with team members who aren’t pulling their … Read more