10 All Too Real Reasons You Need a Management Consultant

It isn’t easy running a business. Just when you think you’ve mastered one thing, something else comes along, whether it’s new legislation, new technology, new competition, or new customer demands. And that’s just for starters. I haven’t even mentioned hiring the right employees and keeping them happy, productive, and motivated. No wonder you feel like … Read more

Four Tips to help improve your Business & Team?

You know your business has more potential but you feel as if you are stagnating? You took on employees but had no management experience and now you’re struggling with the relationship conflicts and people not pulling their weight. You envisaged an atmosphere of calm and kindness but instead, it’s fraught. What can you do to … Read more

Those difficult conversations you dread – (POOR CASE)

As Employers and Managers, we all can dread having difficult conversations and there are occasions when it can just go wrong, especially when you haven’t planned what you want to say. I can recall occasions when I have left meetings feeling like I’m the worst person alive and that’s not a nice feeling. I have … Read more