Why Your Small Business Needs an Employee Handbook

When you employ staff, it’s important to have your policies and procedures in one convenient document that can be referred back to, time and time again. The easiest way you can do this is by giving your employees a handbook, which tells them what is expected of them, shows them that you’re fair and want … Read more

How to upset an insecure employee?

Are you a Manager or Boss, who frequently has one employee turning up to ask for support and help? Do they always seem to be there wanting attention and there is no time for others? You always see the person as very needy? I bet you want to shout at them….” Go away, leave me … Read more

Four Tips to help improve your Business & Team?

You know your business has more potential but you feel as if you are stagnating? You took on employees but had no management experience and now you’re struggling with the relationship conflicts and people not pulling their weight. You envisaged an atmosphere of calm and kindness but instead, it’s fraught. What can you do to … Read more

10 tips to help you manage your emotions at work?

Recently a young Manager came to me upset with what her Manager had said about her lack of control over her emotions at work. It took me back as I used to find it difficult to hide my emotions and if I was upset it would show. The first point we discussed was what the … Read more

Top 5 tips to help understand yourself better

Do you think we ever truly know ourselves? As leaders, it is vital we understand our reactions and approaches to situations and people. In truly understanding ourselves we then use our strengths to help others and continue to develop ourselves. Knowing our weaknesses means we can offset them and work to change our approach. Here … Read more