What do you think? Yes, no, maybe – Making decisions

A real decision is measured by the fact that you’ve taken a new action. If there’s no action, you haven’t truly decided. Tony Robbins How many Managers do you know who make decisions? For successful Leadership, decision-making skills are essential. Nothing is more infuriating to a team member than a Manager who cannot make a … Read more

Supporting your people when in need!

You can do anything as long as you have the passion, the drive, the focus, and the support. Sabrina Bryan Years ago I recall a young girl who got promoted to her first Manager’s role. She was very unsure of herself and lacked real confidence. This girl demonstrated clear caring abilities for her team and … Read more

“Turn that music down!!”

So there you are at home, relaxing and about to go to sleep for the night, knowing you need to be up early the next day. Your next door neighbours start playing music very loudly. You think the neighbour is doing this intentionally to annoy you! If that’s your thought pattern, how you feel and … Read more

Effective Problem-Solving in the Workplace

So are you a ducker or diver? Do you tackle problems head-on with your team or do you avoid confronting issues at all costs? The number of times I have heard team members complaining that managers never listen to their issues and do something. Or managers don’t deal with team members who aren’t pulling their … Read more

Creating Successful Creativity for Office-Based SME Teams

How many times have you seen Leaders and Managers build a great brick wall where new ideas are concerned, which seems impermeable?  What does that do to morale and employee engagement?  Well, it stifles it and eventually, team members just switch off.  In turn, the business doesn’t move with the times nor does it evolve … Read more